The strange part that is confusing me with all of this is that the single line text is outputting the correct specified height I have in the DWGStyler, but any multiline text is being outputted as a combined text height. For example I have the height set to be 0.4. The single line text displays as 0.4, a two-line multiline text displays each line with a height of 0.2 thus adding up to the specified 0.4. This to is the same if it three lines of text where it displays as 0.13 for each line.
I have tried toggleing the Text Entity Type from multi-Text to Text with the same outcome.
Any suggestions would be great. I am more Autodesk than FME.
I have AutoCAD Map3D 2014 and am aware that I can import these MapInfo files, but the data I am working with is statewide over seven states. Just too much for CAD. Plus this FME Workbench is ran off a remote computer.
I am using FME Workbench 2013, build 13545.
Thanks in advance