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Just update eterra3.ancpi.roGeometryFetcher. Updated all transformers to 2024, created a workaround for Tiler not completing a Conditional Value for $Parameter Contains/Begins with, created a test suite, uploaded .fmx and .fmw to the Hub.

This is the Test Suite Failure Log:

2024-03-12 20:33:35|   0.0|  0.0|INFORM|Current FME version: FME 2023.2.2.0 (20240205 - Build 23781 - linux-x64)
2024-03-12 20:33:35| 0.0| 0.0|INFORM|System Time: 20240312203336 UTC
2024-03-12 20:33:35| 0.0| 0.0|WARN |Workspace was last saved in FME version: FME 2024.0.0.0 (20240304 - Build 24187 - WIN64)

Can’t run 2024.0 workspace on 2023.2.2.

Please fix this!

By the way, in case safers missed it: Something is wrong with the Conditional Value in transformers that only have Arithmetic Editor (for transformers that have both Text and Arithmetic Editor it appears to works)

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