[FME 2015.0 as Data Interoperability in ArcCatalog 10.3]
I have polygons that represent parcel data from two different counties. I also have polylines in a .dgn file that represents the actual parcel lines based on a survey. I thought of running a routine to close the survey data to polygons but many of the lines are only partial lines (i.e. only one side of a parcel) so they need to remain polylines. I ran a script to isolate only those dgn layers that represent parcel lines and created a separate shape file.
I would like to run a routine that will compare the survey polylines and the polygons and show me if any of the sides don't match. I will ignore the matches but want to update any polygon sides to match the survey data. (I added a CoordinateRounder to 2 decimal places for both input files to address coordinate rounding). So after I find the non-matches I want to change the polygon edge to be the same as the polylines within a tolerance. The polylines from the dgn will not be used for anything else and will be discarded after this routine, but the polyline shape may be regenerated and the routine run again if the CADD drawing is updated.