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Use Google Earth Engine API

  • 22 August 2020
  • 5 replies

  1. Is it possible to access GEE API from FME (and for example run a script using Sentinel data to extract vector data for edge of recently burnt area)
  2. Does anyone have experience in doing this?


Hi @mb_fdfa​ 

The GEE documentation does mention a Python package is available for this API so you can access the API using the PythonCaller. Here are the instructions for installing Python packages to FME Desktop that you can follow to install the package.

Unfortunately, I haven't worked with the Google Earth Engine (GEE) API myself so I'm not familiar with the functionality.

I hope this helps.

Hi @debbiatsafe​ 

Thanks for the info and links.

I presume this could be implemented using FME Server or FME Cloud too?


Hi @debbiatsafe​ 

Thanks for the info and links.

I presume this could be implemented using FME Server or FME Cloud too?


The Earth Engine API is operating system independent so it should be possible to install and use this Python library on FME Server or Cloud.

To install the module on FME Server or Cloud, please follow the instructions here.

The Earth Engine API is operating system independent so it should be possible to install and use this Python library on FME Server or Cloud.

To install the module on FME Server or Cloud, please follow the instructions here.

Thank you!

Hi @mb_fdfa 

Your question was a while ago. Were you able to use the API in the end? I would be interested in your experience, as I would like to use the API in a project.

Thanks for sharing!
