I have added my web service to FME:
FME Workbench -> Tools -> FME Options -> Web Service Connections -> Web Services...
I have also declared two parameters for the web services (username+password)
Furthermore, my reader uses the GUI type NAMED_CONNECTION C1], so users can set their username and password for my web service. My question is: How can my reader access these values/parameters?
During the open method, my reader parses the mapping file, but it only includes the chosen "Connection Name" and not the password or username.
The values/parameters are stored in FME, I verified that using again:
FME Workbench -> Tools -> FME Options -> Web Service Connections
I thought, maybe FME provides some kind of service returning the values/parameters identified by the connection name and web service. Does such a service exist? Or is there another way to access the values/parameters from a given connection name?
My reader is written in C++
Thank you very much!
e1] http://docs.safe.com/fme/html/FME_GuiType/doc_page...