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Publishing feature services to ArcGIS Enterprise Portal from registered data store

  • 22 February 2024
  • 1 reply

I want to publish feature services to arcgis enterprise portal not using ArcGIS Pro [Share ribbon] tools. Is FME an appropriate tool for this or is it better to use arcpy and the arcgis python API?

The source feature classes are in SQL Server in Enterprise Geodatabase. The GDB is registered with Portal as a datastore. We do not want to copy the data to Portal (the resulting feature services should not be hosted).

1 reply

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Have not tested it myself, but I believe you can do this with using the ArcGISOnlineConnector. This is using the arcgis python api but no coding needed.

You can also build it yourself if you need something more specific using HTTPCallers / PythonCallers. We use this where we republish Map Image Layers from updated cad files in BIM360 but this is a more advanced process.
