I have FME 2014 SP1 (32 bits) and ArcGIS 10.2 (32 bits) installed on a Windows7 64 bits.
I have the following code that I am trying to read into the Shutdown Python Script :
import sys import arcpy output_location = "\\\\MYSERVER\\MYGDB.gdb" arcpy.CreateRelationshipClass_management(output_location+"\\DATASET\\LAYER", output_location+"\\TABLE", output_location+"\\DATASET\\rRelation", "SIMPLE", "TABLE", "LAYER", "NONE", "ONE_TO_MANY", "NONE", "FKEY", "PKEY")
My problem is that I get this error : Python Exception <ImportError>: No module named arcpy
I tried to add environment variables in PYTHON and Path as described here : http://fmepedia.safe.com/articles/Samples_and_Demos/Using-a-Python-Startup-Shutdown-Script-to-Perform-Geoprocessing-with-Arcpy#heading_toc_j_5
I tried several solutions from here : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3701646/how-to-add-to-the-pythonpath-in-windows-7/4855685#4855685
I just can't find the way to make this working in FME. My script is working perfectly in ArcGIS.
Thank you!