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I am using the clipper to clipp some polygons. It failed with the rejection for 3 features as INVALID_CLIPPEE_GEOMETRY. But when i run the same rejected features through GeometryValidator with issues to detect "all" the same features pass.


Resolution is in meter. Node 0 and 1 are almost identical which causes the rejection i believe. But how can I setup FME to catch this duplicate of nodes ?


0: 575677.0999999503, 7032470.989999999

1: 575677.0999999512, 7032470.990000001

2: 575683.7099999504, 7032482.779999996

3: 575677.0999999503, 7032470.989999999

Within the Duplicate Consecutive Points test you can set a tolerance that will pick up points that are close but not exact copies.

