I'm using the FTP trigger in FME server with a FTPES site but it doesn't work. It does work in a FTPCaller Transformer.
the logs in FME UI are not very useful (the logs here are shown in reversed timestamps):
In the logs here : tail -f /opt/fmeserver/resources/logs/core/current/publishers/ftpwatch.log
there are some clues but I can't figure out why this is happening on server and not in the transformer :
it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPException :code=503, message= SECURITY_FTPES cannot be applied: the server refused both AUTH TLS and AUTH SSL commands]
at it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPClient.login(FTPClient.java:1229)
at it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPClient.login(FTPClient.java:1186)
at COM.safe.fmeserver.relay.plugin.ftpwatch.FTPWatchPollingThread.loginToFTPServer(FTPWatchPollingThread.java:454)
at COM.safe.fmeserver.relay.plugin.ftpwatch.FTPWatchPollingThread.poll(FTPWatchPollingThread.java:139)
at COM.safe.fmeserver.relay.plugin.ftpwatch.FTPWatchPollingThread.run(FTPWatchPollingThread.java:111)
The ftpcaller with parameters "binary / passive / Verify SSL / Password" work with the same site.
Does anyone already experienced this kind of issue ?
Is there any way to add parameters or control the FTPWatcher in FME Server ?
the ftp_watch works with subscriptions but not within automation. I'm puzzled :/
Versions :
FME Server 2019.2 / Build 19735 - linux-x64
Thanks for your help or advices !