
FME Flow Apps- redirecting to a loading GIF while running the job

  • 26 November 2023
  • 5 replies

Badge +5

I have a Flow App, which performs a relatively long process, which at the end directs the user to a certain url following the success or failure of the process.

The url reference is made by a single HTML writer at the end of the process.

My problem is that this process can take some time,

And in terms of the user experience, the customers are not aware that the process is running behind the scenes.

I want to make a reference to some kind of loading GIF that will at least show them that something is really moving behind the scenes..

And this is where I need your help.

Because if I write to two HTML writers, it simply downloads the two HTML files for me,

It does not direct me HTML line after HTML, but simply disrupts the process.

Does anyone have a solution?

It doesn't even have to be a reference to the HTML of the loading GIF, just an indication in terms of the user experience that will tell the customer: "Don't worry, a few seconds and you move to the next screen"

Thank you!


5 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +36

Theres not the functionality out of the box to do that unfortunately. The main approach to solve that would be to build and host a custom web page that interacts with FME through the FME REST API -

Userlevel 5
Badge +32

Another option might be to have the user insert an email address - "don't want to wait? Enter an email to get your results when they're ready?"


And then Email them the results or a link to the results?


It might require a little more configuration - I had a project in the passed where I included an emailer right in the workspace to send of the results (would not really recommend because it's quite annoying to track/update).

Badge +5

Thanks @virtualcitymatt ,but I think it is bit complicated, and not as fast as I want it to work.

What @hkingsbury suggested suggested could work, but I need to figure out exactly how to do it.

@chrisatsafe ,i remember that you showed me something similar to that, Maybe you have some idea how to solve it?

Userlevel 6
Badge +36

Another option might be to have the user insert an email address - "don't want to wait? Enter an email to get your results when they're ready?"


And then Email them the results or a link to the results?


It might require a little more configuration - I had a project in the passed where I included an emailer right in the workspace to send of the results (would not really recommend because it's quite annoying to track/update).

As @virtualcitymatt​ said, try not to use an emailer in your workspace, becomes a right pain to update hwen things change. Instead, use an FMEFlowEmailGenerator ( and pass that to a Notifier to trigger a topic on your FME Flow. A bit more initial setup (to setup the topic etc on Flow) but will save time in the long run

Badge +7

Hi @dor1411993,

Could this link with workspace example help you out as well? 

Sending email, Part 5: Sending an email with attachments – FME Support Center (


