Hi there,
Just wondering, has anyone done some python programming to make FME Desktop and QGIS interact? Simply to select a layer from QGIS/ process it in FME and load the results automatically to QGIS?
Hi there,
Just wondering, has anyone done some python programming to make FME Desktop and QGIS interact? Simply to select a layer from QGIS/ process it in FME and load the results automatically to QGIS?
I've never tried this myself, but seeing as both QGIS and FME are scriptable using Python, I'd think this should be doable. A couple of links:
QGIS and Python
FME and Python
Hi David,
Thanks, I am familiar with those sites. I was looking more for something that shows how to interact between the two like sending the parameters from QGIS then receiving back the data from FME.