We have been using ArcGIS 10.8.1 (32bit) with arcFM solution and FME 2020.2 (Desktop and Server) (32bit). We use FME to read and write to the esri geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb).
I am trying to update FME to the newest version 2022.2.5 (64bit).
I read that it should be possible to have 32bit ArcGIS and 64bit FME after installing background geoprocessing.
However when I am starting the workspace with python startup script for fetching the licenses for ArcGIS and ArcFM I get error:
"Python Exception <com_error>: (-2147221164, 'Class not registered', None, None)".
This error comes up using fmepython310 + pywin32 library installed. Pywin32 also includes the pythoncom and it is installed the same way than in the previous version.
I have also tried to use the 32bit fmepython37 from the older FME version, but FME 2022 is not recognizing it and automatically switches back to python 3.10.