OK fixed it. When connecting to the FTP site, the login I use automatically goes to a particular sub-directory e.g. /stuff/data/exports. I then go into /stuff/data/exports/CSVs where the CSV files are. When using the FTPCaller to get files, I don't specify the full path, just ftp://ftpsite.tld/CSVs/example.csv. However it seems that when deleting a file, I have to specify the full path: ftp://ftpsite.tld/stuff/data/exports/CSVs/example.csv.
Sorry for posting then answering but maybe this will help others who get caught out like this.
OK fixed it. When connecting to the FTP site, the login I use automatically goes to a particular sub-directory e.g. /stuff/data/exports. I then go into /stuff/data/exports/CSVs where the CSV files are. When using the FTPCaller to get files, I don't specify the full path, just ftp://ftpsite.tld/CSVs/example.csv. However it seems that when deleting a file, I have to specify the full path: ftp://ftpsite.tld/stuff/data/exports/CSVs/example.csv.
Sorry for posting then answering but maybe this will help others who get caught out like this.
Forgot to say that the way I discovered this was by ticking "Log Debug" under Tools > FME Options > Translation
If the FTP path is wrong or the file is not there, an error is returned but...
A) It only appears in the log if you have "Log Debug" turned on.
B) It's logged as an INFORM message, not WARN or ERROR as you might expect.
This means that even if the file you are trying to delete is not found on the FTP site, the result comes out of the Output port with no error message, rather than the <rejected> port as I would expect. So I can't capture such errors and write them to a report file.
i have a same problem with FTPCaller when I try to delete oldest files on an FTP server.
There are no error in the log file after running the workbench, everything seems good, but the files are not physicaly deleted on my FTP server.
Any ideas or help?