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is it possible to change the service name in Direct URL generated by fme server to run the workspace

this is required by the client in order to follow their internal standard

from :https://" domainename"/fmedatastreaming/parks/parks.fmw?

TO: https://" domainename"/apiservicestream/parks/parks.fmw?


In principle, you should be able to simply rename the service URL in the FME Server admin interface, under Admin > Services.

Not working we get an ( http 404 not found)

Hi @boubcher,


this might be possible if, in addition to the service URL, you also change the folder name of the service accordingly in <FME_Server_Install_DIR>\\Utilities\\tomcat\\webapps.

Please note that this is not tested on our side, so proceed with caution as you might need to revert your changes if you experience any problems.

The solution I would recommend is to use a 3rd party application to create an API for your FME services. Here is an article demonstrating this with AWS API Gateway:


If you want to use a different cloud service provider, you could look into solutions such as Apigee Edge or 3scale. If you're looking for an on-premises solution, you can consider products such as Nginx API Gatewayor Kong.

Hope this helps!
