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change default GLTF alphamode when writing

Related products:Integrations


The crux of the idea is outlined in this question:

But the idea is this:

When writing out texture materials to GLTF (and 3DTiles) which contain and alpha channel (e.g., a png), change the default alphamode from BLEND to MASK.

This would solve many rendering issues which pop up from BLEND rendering.

This is not a one size fits all as BLEND could indeed be what is desiered so as follow up suggestion:

Add an option on the gltf reader to select the default alphamode - This is what is used when exporting from Blender (

A step further still would be to allow a geometry trait whitch could dictate which alphamode is used (e.g., gltf_alphamode).

At present this is a pretty big issue for us

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