As mentioned in other posts, HttpCaller can be used to check for the existence of an API resource, in which case a 404 response is not an error.
I often use this approach in upload workflows where I need to check if a layer already exists in Geoserver and needs to be refreshed or if it needs to be created. The alternative of making a call to list out all of the layers and then parsing that list to see if the one I’m interested in is there is much slower.
It would be great to have an option to output 404s (and potentially other response codes) to custom output ports, rather than rejecting and raising an error.
132 | 2024-6-4 01:01:38 | upload_checker_2_HTTPCaller_2 (HTTPFactory): [51]: HTTP transfer summary (*.*.*): status code: 404, download size: 91 bytes, DNS lookup time: 4 ms, total transfer time: 68 ms |
133 | 2024-6-4 01:01:38 | upload_checker_2_HTTPCaller_2 (HTTPFactory): An error occurred while accessing the URL |
Httpcaller Error | Community (
Ability to change transformer, reader and writer logging level | Community (