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I have a workbench that runs fine from the desktop but fails with lots of 'BADNEWS' messages (over 3500) before it crashes with the following statusMessage


FME Engine encountered an issue and will need to be restarted. 0] string too long 1] auto __thiscall STFDynamicFactory::process::<lambda_afd8337cf6d9dd4ee4340623b50e5675>::operator ()(void) const(c:\\code\\fme\\foundation\\pluginbuilder\\pluginbuilder_cpp\\dynafact.cpp:460) 2] auto __thiscall STFDynamicFactory::process::<lambda_afd8337cf6d9dd4ee4340623b50e5675>::operator ()(void) const(c:\\code\\fme\\foundation\\pluginbuilder\\pluginbuilder_cpp\\dynafact.cpp:460)


The workbench, attached, basically takes some input layers and creates a lot of reports.


Does anyone know why this might be occurring?

You'll probably want to contact your FME reseller or Safe support directly for this.

You'll probably want to contact your FME reseller or Safe support directly for this.

Thanks and will do​
