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recently a FMEServer managed by us stopped working after an automatic security check. The service was not able to start anymore, and I got the windows-error-popup with the message: 

"Windows could not start the FME Server Core service on HOST. Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified."

The problem was the registry-key for starting the services: 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services/FME Server Core 

where the value with the image path was not
in quotes: 

C:\Program Files (x86)\fmeserver\Server\WindowsService\FMEProcessMonitorCore.exe -s FME Server Core 

As unquoted service paths can be a risk in Windows, the radar
service automatically set the path in quotes, as there were blanks in the
installation path (...\Program Files (x86)\...). But it set the whole expression in quotes, including the "-s". 

"C:\Program Files (x86)\fmeserver\Server\WindowsService\FMEProcessMonitorCore.exe –s" 

So because of that, the service could not be started as it was looking fort he
file "C:\Program Files
(x86)\fmeserver\Server\WindowsService\FMEProcessMonitorCore.exe –s"  which doesn’t exist. 

Taking the "-s" out of the quotes  finally solved the problem:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\fmeserver\Server\WindowsService\FMEProcessMonitorCore.exe" -s
"FME Server Core" 

unqouted paths are a common risk in Windows, it's not a bad idea to set the quotes right after the FMEServer installation.

Best regards,


Hi @ThomasAtAxmann,

Can you provide more details on the security check software? Might be good for us to understand this software and other checks it performs. Will pass this on to development.

Hi Steve,

the server is hosted and monitored by a computing center. There use their own monitoring solutions. But this issue refers to a Microsoft recommendation. Below you can see parts of the error-log creating by the radar service.

Best regards,


Hi @ThomasAtAxmann,

Hope you are doing well!

I wanted to let you know that this should now be resolved in the release of FME Server 2018.1. This highly anticipated release is due out sometime, in the next few weeks.
