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I've a master model that calls multiple job submitter and it successfully runs on FME Desktop. However, when I run it on FME server, even though the transaction was said to be successful, FME Server still reports as translation failed.

"FMEWorkspaceRunner: The translation failed, review log for details"

I check the log and it does not have any error.

Can you please give advice to where I should look to resolve this issue?

I'm using FME Server 2015, FME Desktop 2015 and ArcGIS 10.3

we had a similar issue with 2015 and FMEServerSubmitter a while ago.

This is an extract from my logs which looks like yours:

2016-01-29 11:17:31|   1.3|  0.0|INFORM|Translation was SUCCESSFUL with 0 warning(s) (1 feature(s) output)
2016-01-29 11:17:31|   1.3|  0.0|INFORM|FME Session Duration: 0.4 seconds. (CPU: 0.2s user, 0.1s system)
2016-01-29 11:17:31|   1.3|  0.0|INFORM|END - ProcessID: 2780, peak process memory usage: 74424 kB, current process memory usage: 74424 kB
2016-01-29 11:17:31|   1.3|  0.0|INFORM|Translation was SUCCESSFUL
2016-01-29 11:17:31|   1.3|  0.0|ERROR |FMEWorkspaceRunner: The translation failed, review log for details
2016-01-29 11:17:31|   1.3|  0.0|ERROR |FMEServerJobSubmitter(ServerJobSubmissionFactory): Failed to complete run of workspace "creator2pdf2d.fmw" from repository XXXXXXXX on YYYYYYYYYYY with parameters: --SourceDataset_SHAPE """C:\ProgramData\Safe Software\FME Server\Data\zzz.shp""" --FEATURE_TYPES "" --DestDataset_PDF "C:\ProgramData\Safe Software\FME Server\Data\Boundary\bounds.pdf" 
2016-01-29 11:17:31|   1.3|  0.0|ERROR |FMEServerJobSubmitter(ServerJobSubmissionFactory): Review log file "e:\apps\FMEServer\Logs\engine\current\jobs\1000\job_1346_0.log" for details

The way we fixed it was to make the child workspace generate a file with the FME status (in the shutdown python script) and test for that file on the failed port of the FMEServerJobSubmitter.

The shutdown python script code:

import fme

fout = open(FME_MacroValuesr'OUTPUT_FOLDER'] + "/Result.txt", 'w')

The FMEServerJobSubmitter and extra tests:


If you open a support call with SAFE, our reference case is C111289.

Thanks Larry. I'll give it a try.

I can confirm that this is the work around to handle this situation. Thank so much for your help!
