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Is it possible to launch an Engine pod on a different cluster and register it in the core service deployed on other cluster?
I want to have 2 engines, but located on different clusters.

Hi @misazab95​ ,


It is possible to have an engine in a different cluster or VPC, but you have to make sure you have ports open for communication between the clusters. The Ports and Executables article should give you some guidance on ports. Other than the main ports listed you should also be aware of the Ephemeral Ports which can be set with the FME_SERVER_PORT_POOL parameters listed in the article, and lastly the port which the engine will access the FME Server File Share. (Typically this is 445 on windows installations.)


Distributed Engine Installation Documentation




Hi @misazab95​ ,


It is possible to have an engine in a different cluster or VPC, but you have to make sure you have ports open for communication between the clusters. The Ports and Executables article should give you some guidance on ports. Other than the main ports listed you should also be aware of the Ephemeral Ports which can be set with the FME_SERVER_PORT_POOL parameters listed in the article, and lastly the port which the engine will access the FME Server File Share. (Typically this is 445 on windows installations.)


Distributed Engine Installation Documentation




ok, other question that i have is, how can i create a single engine, using kubernetes, the helm chart allows me to do it or i have to use the Docker image?

And what about the file system, how the engine can access to it if is in a different cluster

Hi @misazab95​ 


We do not support launching a separate engine pod in a different cluster. All engine pods need to be within the same cluster so it can successfully connect to the FME Server core, database and system share.
