
Help with spatial predicates

  • 8 September 2023
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +26

Please excuse the crude drawing. I'm using a SpatialRelator with the red features in the Suppliers port, and the blue feature in the Requestor port. Features #1 and #3 need to pass the spatial predicate due to the relation between them being multiple verts (a line). Feature #2 would not pass, due to only having a single vert in common. None of the default spatial predicates will exclude #2 from the test. So, I've been trying various matrix to find a solution, but none seem to work. What would be the appropriate DE-9IM matrix, given that it is only polygon features being used? I have been referencing this help page:

1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +17

Hi @dustin​,

I think a predicate of F***1**** will give you the answer you want. This will select for boundary intersections that are lines, but not points.
