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Just upgraded my Server installation to 2021.0.1. All my automations fail. I figured out that it is likely due to having to drop the database and then recreate after the installation. So now I am in the process of republishing my scripts. It's tedious, but not necessarily a bad thing as I can - 1. not publish scripts that are no longer needed, 2. can upgrade to the 2021.0.1 version of the Desktop as well. However, I would like to know - 1. should the fmeserver database be dropped during an upgrade (I thought that I had read that it should be)? and 2. could the backup of the database be restored after the installation of the upgrade and then all of your scripts (as referenced in the configuration backup) would still run as set up on the automations?

I have a second FME Server to upgrade and will do differently if possible.



The most common reason I see at the moment for things to stop working after an upgrade is because tokens have lost permissions to connections, see this article to see if it applies to you.
