FME Server is creating dynamic sudo engines with prefix 'context-id':
Background: We have 3 engines on our FME Server. Workbench (WB) 1, is a continuous job run all the time, internally WB1 triggers WB1a & WB1b.
WB2 is a web-service based job, gets triggered when a web-service call is initiated.
All the WBs are in same repository. 2 engines are been dedicated to this repository.
Step1: WB1 is triggered on engine 1, now as the engine 1 is occupied, all the other jobs should be triggered on engine 2.
Step2: Lets say Engine 2 is occupied by WB2.
Step3: In this scenario, when WB1 initiates WB1a or WB1b, FME server creates a dynamic sudo engine with prefix 'context-id' for engine 1 or engine 2 and queues the job to one of these engines.
As the engine1 is occupied by a continuous job (WB1), the jobs waiting on the queue for engine 1, never get executed.
Is there a way in FME server configuration to avoid creating the sudo engines?