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We have a small app that sends jobs to FME Server 2018, it worked in FME server 2016, but now that we upgraded to 2018, we are getting a failure when it tries to use the upload service, basically the app says FME failed to provide a cookie.


When I look at the Data Upload Service documentation, under Reponses Elements, I see this, which is what I guess the cookie is about.

A session identifier that is always included in each data upload response as an HTTP cookie as well as in the body of the response.


looking at the Service logs in FME Server 2018, I see this:


This is the Data Upload log for your run

ue-09-Apr-2019 10:36:34.982 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-3 419011 : Creating new request object: path level = "1", requested path = "/NRM_AQS_TD_Export_Survey.xml", session ID = "user_public", uploaded files = e], workspace path = "/NRM Workbench/NRM_AQS_TD_Export_Survey.fmw", retrieve absolute paths = "false", extract files = "false"


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:36:34.984 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-3 419016 : Writing single file from incoming request stream to "NRM_AQS_TD_Export_Survey.xml"


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:36:34.992 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-3 419014 : Retrieving contents for workspace path "/NRM Workbench/NRM_AQS_TD_Export_Survey.fmw", found 0 archives, 1 directories, and 1 files


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:51:38.171 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-7 419011 : Creating new request object: path level = "1", requested path = "/NRM_AQS_TD_Export_Survey.xml", session ID = "user_public", uploaded files = f], workspace path = "/NRM Workbench/NRM_AQS_TD_Export_Survey.fmw", retrieve absolute paths = "false", extract files = "false"


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:51:38.174 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-7 419016 : Writing single file from incoming request stream to "NRM_AQS_TD_Export_Survey.xml"


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:51:38.201 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-7 419014 : Retrieving contents for workspace path "/NRM Workbench/NRM_AQS_TD_Export_Survey.fmw", found 0 archives, 1 directories, and 1 files


This is the Token log:


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:33:36.993 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-9 420006 : Token "dd0b****" was generated for user "user_public" from client address "" for 86400 seconds.


This is the Rest Log


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:52:32.512 AM FATAL http-nio-80-exec-2 418007 : Service failed: Unauthorized request by user user_public due to lack of proper permissions.


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:52:32.594 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-2 418008 : Request handling completed.


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:52:51.690 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-8 418003 : Request received from ""


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:52:51.691 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-8 418005 : Use response format: html


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:52:51.693 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-8 418048 : Using HTTP Basic authentication


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:52:51.694 AM FATAL http-nio-80-exec-8 418007 : Service failed: null


Tue-09-Apr-2019 10:52:51.720 AM INFORM http-nio-80-exec-8 418008 : Request handling completed.


I see this in the tomcat logs: - - /09/Apr/2019:10:51:38 -0500] "PUT /fmedataupload/NRM%20Workbench/NRM_AQS_TD_Export_Survey.fmw/NRM_AQS_TD_Export_Survey.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 257 - - <09/Apr/2019:10:52:32 -0500] "GET /fmerest/jobs/running?token=dd0b648bc333682e96e71c9d740eb75c468e5cb8 HTTP/1.1" 401 1680 - -  09/Apr/2019:10:52:32 -0500] "GET /fmerest/images/textLogoDraftWhite.png HTTP/1.1" 404 1119


When I look, I do see that the file is successfully uploaded, but the process fails, I assume because FME Server or tomcat, is failing to provide the cookie.


So this sure looks like some sort of permission issue, the user account in FME Server that generated the token,, I have tried with various roles, including giving it Admin, but that did not help


Any thoughts on what permissions may be lacking and where, assuming it is a permission issue ?

And the answer is from Safe support - FME Server 2018 the Data Upload Service no longer returns a cookie
