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I installed fme server "FME Server 2020.2.2 Build 20817 - win64" on a new machine, and then restored from backup "FME Server 2020.2 Build 20787 - win64".


The restore appeared to go successfully however all jobs fail with a message like "Error: The log file for job ID "6" does not exist".


I suspect there's a path somewhere that needs to be updated. How do I locate where it might be configured?

http://SERVER:8080/fmeserver/#/systemevents/history?page=1 shows over 250 events so it's not that logs can't be written at all.


I found a thread mentioning this message at and the cure there was to run System Cleanup tasks. I have 14 tasks listed on that page and all are enabled. I don't see a mechanism to trigger them to run though.


Hmm, it fixed itself somehow. Maybe I just needed to wait long enough for one or more of the System Cleanup tasks to self-trigger.

It also might have been that pressed the [reset] button that's visible when viewing an individual workspace details screen.

Hmm, it fixed itself somehow. Maybe I just needed to wait long enough for one or more of the System Cleanup tasks to self-trigger.

It also might have been that pressed the [reset] button that's visible when viewing an individual workspace details screen.

Hi @mattw1ilkie​ ,


I just wanted to clarify that the system cleanup task mentioned in that thread was actually the cause of this error, not a resolution. Should you run into this again, usually this error is caused by one of three things:

  1. There is a System Cleanup task to remove job logs, by default this removes log files when they are 1 week old but this cleanup is editable by adminstrators. If you try and view a log that is older than this clean up date, the log file no longer exists so this error will be displayed. In low disk conditions an aggressive cleanup can occur, so this could still be the cause even with newer jobs.
  2. The job is still in the QUEUED state, as in it has not actually started running and therefore no log file has been created yet.
  3. If the job failed it is possible the failure happened upon job submission, this can happen if there is a problem with the initial request e.g. a problem with the value of one of the published parameters. If this is the case, on the Job page view the 'Result Data' section and look for the statusMessage and this should inform you as to what went wrong.

Hi @mattw1ilkie​ ,


I just wanted to clarify that the system cleanup task mentioned in that thread was actually the cause of this error, not a resolution. Should you run into this again, usually this error is caused by one of three things:

  1. There is a System Cleanup task to remove job logs, by default this removes log files when they are 1 week old but this cleanup is editable by adminstrators. If you try and view a log that is older than this clean up date, the log file no longer exists so this error will be displayed. In low disk conditions an aggressive cleanup can occur, so this could still be the cause even with newer jobs.
  2. The job is still in the QUEUED state, as in it has not actually started running and therefore no log file has been created yet.
  3. If the job failed it is possible the failure happened upon job submission, this can happen if there is a problem with the initial request e.g. a problem with the value of one of the published parameters. If this is the case, on the Job page view the 'Result Data' section and look for the statusMessage and this should inform you as to what went wrong.

Thank you Holly

Happened again when I upgrade our production server. Now I have the real cause: I'd forgotten to set the FME services to run under a domain service account. After doing that and restarting the services all jobs run successfully.

I suggest a step be added to after "#4 Install" to set or verify what user the services run under.
