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Hello All .. I am using FMEServerNotifier in my workbench to send Email, when i run the workbench i get the message correctly , but when i publish the workbench to fme server i get an error and i couldn't receive the message .

FMEServerNotifier_<Rejected>(TeeFactory): FMEServerNotifier_<Rejected>: Termination Message: 'FMEServerNotifier output a <Rejected> feature. To continue translation when features are rejected, change 'Workspace Parameters' > Translation > 'Rejected Feature Handling' to 'Continue Translation'' 

the fme server installed on a server that using proxy

im using fme-desktop-2018.1.2 (32bit) and fme-server-2018.1.2(32bit)

is there any way to fix this

Hi @mido11as,


Its hard to know what is causing the notifier to go through the rejected port without the log file, which should provide the details. My suspicion is that the connection is not being resolved on the FME Server machine. Since the call to the notifier process has to go outside FME Server and back in the proxies could be getting in the way. Do you have just outgoing proxies set up or is there a reverse proxy involved. Can you confirm that the Server URL used in the Web Connection resolved on a browser from the machine hosting FME Server?


Additionally you have the option to configure the rejected feature handling. While this wont fix the problem its good to know about.




