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I am trying to Read, and eventually Write, to an ArcGIS Portal hosted feature layer using ArcGIS Pro/Data Interoperability FME(R) 2020.0.1.0 (20200407 - Build 20218 - WIN64.


I believe I was successful adding a new service using the ESRI ArcGIS Portal (Template) (see image 1). I tested, which connected to the Portal.


When I try to add a Web Connection, I select the service I just created, Authenticate (successfully) (see image 2), but after that, I close the authenticate window and nothing is added to my available web connections, even after restarting FME (see image 3)


I'm not sure if I missed a step, but I can't figure out what's going on/not working.

Im guessing in that first window you're clicking manage? You need to click the '+' in the lower left corner

Hi @ali.jo17​ ,

The web service definition your using is intended for Oauth authentication. You'll want to be sure you are in fact using Oauth.

The URLs in the definition are not quite aligned to what we typically would see for this definition. I would highly recommend reviewing this article here or this one.

- Andrea
