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Token not being renewed on ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Writer

  • 11 November 2020
  • 2 replies

@We have 2020.1 Desktop/Server and are writing to an ESRI ArcGIS Portal Feature Service. It successfully reads and writes using the configured web connection based on the ArcGIS Portal (Template).


Unlike ArcGIS Online, the writer doesn't seem to update@ the token and I have to go into the web connection settings and re-authenticate manually. We are connecting to a 10.7.1 Portal and it happens in both FME Desktop and Server. Our 10.7.1 Portal is currently only operating from 7am to 7pm and restarts nightly (Dev environment).


I've noticed in the workbenches connecting to AGOL, that the token in updated automatically. But that doesn't appear to be happening in the Portal writer.


Is it something I'm doing? Or is it the nightly restarts of Portal?




2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +11

Hi @peterkt​,

I asked around and my lovely colleagues chimed in that the refresh token logic is the same for both AGOL and ArcGIS Portal, so it should function the same. Would you be able to check what your current setting is in ArcGIS Portal for the default token expiration? Can you try updating it to 2 weeks like below?:

2 weeks (20,160 minutes)

There's a bit more information on Esri's page about how you can control the refresh token expiration time: Specify the Default Token Expiration Time.

Badge +3


I am struggling with this. yes unlike AGOL, portal does not seem to update the token automatically. I also made sure to use unique client Id and secrete per instance but that does not help.


FME FLOW 2023.2

Portal 10.8.1

