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As you can see, when I extract the data, it's showing me all "advrnum" with "td".Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 11.31.10 PM 

but when I merger them so I get only one recoder of Advr 8


I need all rows.


Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 11.33.29 PMScreenshot 2023-06-29 at 11.32.50 PM

Hi @asadamjad​ , COuld you share your data?


check mostLikelyTimeTSWindsGIS

O ad 1

Can you give us a bit more information about what you want to achieve here?

i dont wanna merge at the moment its merging popupinfo


So don't merge?

It is very hard to help you when you give such scant information. What are you trying to achieve here?

By the way, at this moment CurrentStorms.json does not contain any storms.

now you can try

Yes, there is one current storm mentioned now.

So what are you trying to accomplish, and what problems do you encounter?


Check mostLikelyTimeTSWindsGIS file


Expose the attribute mostLikelyTimeTSWindsGIS.kmzFile in the JSONFragmenter, and use the attribute as the Dataset in a FeatureReader set to format Google KML.


where is the data? columns are empty

check the Workspace



Output should come like this

These attributes are part of the JSON file, they just need to be exposed in the JSONFragmenter, and renamed to the attribute names you give them.

Unfortunately I cannot open your workspace, as I use an older version of FME.

what version you have?


and you can open newer version to please help me out

All the information you need is present, and can be extracted using only a few transformers. I am doing my best to help you to get there. But I cannot solve it for you, I can only try to point you in the right direction.


As far as I can see, you rename attribute 'id' to 'stormid', and 'name' stays 'name'.

'advnum' is present in several attributes, it is not clear which one you are trying to use. What attributes you rename to 'popupinfo' and 'snippet' is unclear.


P.S. I cannot install a new version, as I am on a computer of my employer.
