I need to ensure that the polygons created are in ascending order from the first polygon which is known or can be found. I think there is a transformer in 2018 that can do this but I am using 2016. I have tried using NeighbourFinder and sort by ascending distance which is OK as long as the polygons do not turn back towards the first one.
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Could you describe in a bit more detail, how you are splitting the polygons, and what you mean by "do not turn back towards the first one".
not sure as well.
..still I'll try
Use a NNF to project the centre points of the polygons to the border of the Hull of the polygons (create vertex on candidate or use close candidate x and y).
Get the points (chopper) PointonLine overlayer.
Then output of PoLo to a topologybuilder, points will then be ordered.
Or maybe the little ordening expression is of use to you. It is posted somewhere in this vast forum.