It would be awsom if there would be a sync function to uppdate Database connections and get DB connections stored on FME server to lokal env.
It would be awsom if there would be a sync function to uppdate Database connections and get DB connections stored on FME server to lokal env.
When you publish a workspace using a database or web connection, you will be asked if you want to publish or update the server connection as well.
When you publish a workspace using a database or web connection, you will be asked if you want to publish or update the server connection as well.
Thanks for tips @david_r
but that only upplouds my connection.
Shared folder for .data and public Key files is not either what i'm after. It's a sync between users but not a sync to FME server... say i want to change password to connection. i have to do it on at least two places
Thanks for tips @david_r
but that only upplouds my connection.
Shared folder for .data and public Key files is not either what i'm after. It's a sync between users but not a sync to FME server... say i want to change password to connection. i have to do it on at least two places
I understand, unfortunately I do not know of any such possibility.