Hi @colincodes ,
Have you tried the GeometryPropertyExtractor? Presagis doesn't appear to have support for user attributes; instead, attribution is stored in Traits. You can see all of the traits by inspecting the Presagis file either in the Data Inspector or Visual Preview and opening the feature information window. At the bottom of the feature information window, you can see the geometry type, as well as geometry names, traits and information about the appearance.
In order to write these back out, you'd likely need to set them in the GeometryPropertySetter. Hope that helps
Hi Chris. I was able to see and modify some existing attributes with the help you provided but is there a way to create new group nodes as well? If it's not possible I'm looking to invoke a Creator script from within FME to handle it.
Thank you for your help,
Hi @colincodes ,
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with group nodes - are they similar to multipoint features? If you could point me to some documentation I can try to think of some potential options for you. I feel like the Aggregator will be needed for this but there may be other methods after I get more familiar with them.
With regards to invoking a script, you can do this a number of ways. If the script is Python, R, or TCL based, you can actually use transformers inside a workspace to process the work. Alternatively, if this is a file based script, you can call this with the SystemCaller after the dataset has been written. In this case, you'd use a FeatureWriter to write the data and connect the FeatureWriter to a SystemCaller to pass the command line arguments (like the file path from the output summary feature).
Hope that helps.