This is the original uniquevalue Data with the number of existing features.
1140 Metadata.Worksets
203 Metadata.ViewInformation
182 Metadata.FamilyInformation
105 Metadata.MaterialInformation
20 Electrical.CableTrays
16 Electrical.CableTrayFittings
8 Metadata.PhaseFilters
7 Metadata.LevelInformation
6 Metadata.StyleInformation
5 Metadata.LinkInformation
4 Metadata.PhaseGraphicOverrides
2 Metadata.ProjectPhases
2 SitePoints
1 Architectural.Railings
1 Metadata.FileInformation
in Tester transformer I used (Architectural.Railings / Electrical.CableTrayFittings / Electrical.CableTrays)
The Original coordiante system was : XY-MM
I used CoordinateSystemSetter and set CRSM.MTM-10 and then chang it to EPSG:3857
For the writer I used I3S with i3s_3d_object Geometry