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error mesage -

2020-12-17 13:13:41 | Oracle client libraries (e.g. oci.dll) could not be loaded. Ensure that the 64-bit client is installed and properly configured, and the PATH environment variable includes the file path to your Oracle client. Refer to for more information

@gitopher​ this error is suggesting that FME can't find an Oracle client to connect to your oracle db. Please ensure you have installed 64-bit Oracle client on the FME Server host (unless you are using 32-bit engines as well, then you will likely need both). The windows environment variable PATH also need to be updated to include the path to the oracle client (preferrable at the start of the PATH value).


If you are using tns_names.ora for connection details you will also need to set the Window environment variable TNS_ADMIN to be the path to the tns_names.ora file (excluding the filename).


The article cited in the the error message gives more information.
