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Hi All,


I'm putting a workflow together to help me QA some data and the final output will be an excel file with some fields as info,


Below an example of the desired output which the header is bigger thna the normal rows and the QA QC field says pass in green and fail in red:


FME_13Is this possible using the ExcelStyler or need to use the FeatureWriter?


Thanks 🙂

ExcelStyler or a template in either the regular Excel writer or the FeatureWriter


Just so you know, the ExcelStyler and FeatureWriter are two wildly different transformers. The FeatureWriter can be used as a regular writer but with the benefit of it not being the end of the process. So broadly speaking, in the FeatureWriter you can expect to see the same options as in the regular writer. It cannot do the same as the ExcelStyler (and vice-versa)

Thanks @Hans van der Maarel​ a FeatureWriter plus template have fixed the query. Cheers :)
