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Can we extract arcpy code via fme?

Not sure if I understand correct.


If you want to know if you can generate arcpy python from a workflow, no you can not. Safe's FME is different software from ESRI's ArcMap / ArcGIS Pro so the code behind the transformers differ.


If you want to know if you can run arcpy python code in FME, yes you can, using the PythonCaller transformer. You will need a licensed compatible version of ESRI's ArcMap / ArcGIS Pro on the same machine.

Not sure if I understand correct.


If you want to know if you can generate arcpy python from a workflow, no you can not. Safe's FME is different software from ESRI's ArcMap / ArcGIS Pro so the code behind the transformers differ.


If you want to know if you can run arcpy python code in FME, yes you can, using the PythonCaller transformer. You will need a licensed compatible version of ESRI's ArcMap / ArcGIS Pro on the same machine.

Can any of the code running behind arcgis or fme be extracted?

