I'm working on a workbench converting CSV files with WKT geometry into autocad SDF. For some featuretypes i want to allow multigeometry. If I manually make a new feature in autocad map I can select some geomtric types that combine line and surface, point and surface, etc. .
If I set the fme_geometry{0} in the schema to FME_point, i get the SDF point geometric type. But if I add fme_geometry{1}: FME_line, fme_geometry{2}:FME_polygon (This is what it looks like when I read a file with this combined geometric type into FME). It looks like only the geometry{0} is read and I also get the Geometric type point.
Is there a way to use these other types? like point+curve, point+surface, .. ?
screenshot below shows the geometric types available in SDF: