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On the FME Server I get an error when writing to SOSI. "504








2014-12-12 08:44:20


BADNEWS: File C:\\apps\\FMEServer\\Server\\fme\\metafile\\SOSI.fmf could not be opened (tabrdr.cpp:1048)"


A workspace is tested and works well on FME Desktop of course. Is there any special setup for GeoSOSIprofessional when working together with FME Server? Tips?





it's quite possible that you have to do a separate install of GeoSOSI Professional on FMEServer (probably into the c:\\apps\\FMEServer\\Server\\fme directory).



If that doesn't work, consider contacting Geodata support.



Yea. It could be as you are suggesting. I will still wait If SigTill has somehing to add on this topic. 🙂
SigTill jobber vel for konkurrenten. Han vil sikkert helst selge deg sin egen plugin 😉
LOL, but that's life, that's business 😛
As I installed GeoSOSI after installing FME Server, FME Server should be restarted. I forgot it. Now it works well. So there was no need for separate installation.
Haha, I googled my name and found this thread 🙂. For the record - you dont need to restart FME Server for the GDMMapper-plugin to work 🙂. And also you can have both the GeoSOSI and GDMMapper installed at the same time if you have the GDMMapper 2015- version. Just let me know and I`ll send you a free demo (
