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I try to write Polyline-Geometry from ESRI Personal Geodatabase to PostGIS (Version 2.5) with geometry typ CompoundCurve. With PathBuilder I am successful to build Paths with Segments with only IFMELine or mixed IFMELine/IFMEArc and to import them.

But I am not able to write Paths with only Arcs to PostGIS. The import fails with following message:

Error executing SQL command ('INSERT INTO ...

Geometry type (CircularString) does not match column type (CompoundCurve)


Any Ideas? Thank you.


When creating the writer, try disabling the generic spatial column type:

When creating the writer, try disabling the generic spatial column type:

Now the features could be imported. Thank you for the quick answer.

My question: is the restriction, that Arcs building a segment are not allowed in CompoundCurve-Geometry, set by PostGIS?


Now the features could be imported. Thank you for the quick answer.

My question: is the restriction, that Arcs building a segment are not allowed in CompoundCurve-Geometry, set by PostGIS?


Good to hear that it worked.

I don't understand your question, however. Can you perhaps give an example?

Good to hear that it worked.

I don't understand your question, however. Can you perhaps give an example?

Sorry for confusions.

My Personal Geodatabase holds a feature class with features consisting of lines and curves (topology without errors). I created now in PostgreSQL a table with PostGIS-Geometry CompoundCurve. I can import most of the features from Personal Geodatabase into that table. But the translation stops at following feature - a closed feature with 18 arcs:

Error message:

Error executing SQL command ('INSERT INTO "test"."gew_abschnitt_compoundcurve" ("id", "route_id", "geom") values (7388, E'07.13-03.02', '0108...'): 'FEHLER: Geometry type (CircularString) does not match column type (CompoundCurve)

Does the geometry type CompoundCurve not support connected Arcs? (The import works with single Arcs, Lines and mixed Lines/Arcs.)

When I uncheck 'Create Generic Spatial Columns' as you suggested, the error does not appear and I can import the feature. Why?

Sorry for confusions.

My Personal Geodatabase holds a feature class with features consisting of lines and curves (topology without errors). I created now in PostgreSQL a table with PostGIS-Geometry CompoundCurve. I can import most of the features from Personal Geodatabase into that table. But the translation stops at following feature - a closed feature with 18 arcs:

Error message:

Error executing SQL command ('INSERT INTO "test"."gew_abschnitt_compoundcurve" ("id", "route_id", "geom") values (7388, E'07.13-03.02', '0108...'): 'FEHLER: Geometry type (CircularString) does not match column type (CompoundCurve)

Does the geometry type CompoundCurve not support connected Arcs? (The import works with single Arcs, Lines and mixed Lines/Arcs.)

When I uncheck 'Create Generic Spatial Columns' as you suggested, the error does not appear and I can import the feature. Why?

What happens if you set the FME PostGIS writer geometry type to "postgis_multicurve"?

See also

What happens if you set the FME PostGIS writer geometry type to "postgis_multicurve"?

See also

There is no difference with MultiCurve geometry. There appears no error, as soon as I uncheck 'Create Generic Spatial Columns'.

The database shows the correct geometries, when the import is successful. I marked the feature mentioned above, consisting of arcs only:

I don't understand, why the workbench uses the parameter, though I import the features in already existing table. I don't create a new one in my translation.

What does the parameter in detail?

There is no difference with MultiCurve geometry. There appears no error, as soon as I uncheck 'Create Generic Spatial Columns'.

The database shows the correct geometries, when the import is successful. I marked the feature mentioned above, consisting of arcs only:

I don't understand, why the workbench uses the parameter, though I import the features in already existing table. I don't create a new one in my translation.

What does the parameter in detail?

This is beyond me, my recommendation is to contact Safe support and also point them back to this thread.

This is beyond me, my recommendation is to contact Safe support and also point them back to this thread.

O.K. Thank you for your help.
