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I am running on Windows 10, FME Desktop 2018.1 writing from ArcSDE Environment to a File Geodatabase.

If i write directly over I find the SDE Editor (NCGIS_GIS) is written into the name of the dataset (Roads), if I change the dataset (Roads-->Road) than the SDE parent prefix is not written out. I am unable to determine how to remove the Parent SDE naming from the dataset and I have 550 feature classes to migrate over that I do not want to manually (via user parameter) set.


Hello @dmerrick

If you are looking to remove the Table Qualifier this can be done on the Reader by toggling the Remover Table Qualifier parameter to Yes. This will turn the following table name from SDEUSER.AddressPoints to AddressPoints. More information can be found in the documentation listed under Constraints -



If the data is in a Feature Dataset which you do not want to maintain you can do the following:


1) Expose the geodb_feature_dataset attribute on the Source Feature Type


2) Add an AttributeRemover and remove that geodb_feature_dataset attribute


3) This will allow your output to not maintain the feature dataset name from the Source feature.



I hope that helps!
