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Wondering if anyone can help - I've got a file geodatabase with coded-domain values, which is being updated by my writer with additional values and coded domains, following the instructions here:

Scenario 2: Writing to a new table using an existing domain


This works absolutely fine with a geodatabase, however if I try to create a zipped version of it I hit the following error.


2021-06-28 11:24:49| 8.5| 0.3|INFORM|Created and connected to the ArcGIS 10.0 File Geodatabase at 'C:\\Users\\*\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\wbrun_******\\fmetmp_8\\_auto_zip_dataset_******\\geodatabasename.gdb'

2021-06-28 11:24:49| 8.5| 0.0|INFORM|Fast deletes enabled

2021-06-28 11:24:49| 8.5| 0.0|ERROR |The attribute definition used is invalid for the non-existent domain 'Suitability'. For a coded value domain the proper syntax is 'coded_domain(domain_name:field_type:name_1:value_1: ... name_n:value_n)'. For a range domain the proper syntax is 'range_domain(domain_name:field_type:min_val:max_val)'

2021-06-28 11:24:49| 8.5| 0.0|ERROR |GEODATABASE_FILE writer: A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

2021-06-28 11:24:49| 8.5| 0.0|ERROR |GEODATABASE_FILE writer: A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details



I tried creating a zipped version to point the reader at, it's as though in creating a zipped version, it's no longer updating the original geodatabase (which contains all the existing domain info).


Any idea why this is happening / what workaround would do the job.

n.b. stars in filepath are just me blanking out sensistive info
