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I'm trying to overwrite a feature in a file geodatabase but i always get the same error



Geodatabase Error (-2147024894): The system cannot find the file specified.

Could not open File Geodatabase dataset `P:\\vmmGeoDB\\IND.gdb' for writing.


Am i missing something?


Whe i try to do the same thing with af shp it works fine.



The intention is to write a shp to a fgdb.



Can somebody help me?














I think that you might have a couple of things going on here:



1-I have a feeliong that it might be  the gdb version that might be giving you trouble. Try upgrading the gdb to the newest verision of ArcGIS and re run the model. I would suggest creating a back up of the GDB before doing this.



 2-Topology- check iof the gdb has any topologies in the feature dataset. if this is the case you might need to adjust your settings and set the Transaction type parameters to: "Edit Session" and rerun  the model.



 I hope this helps
