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Write Microstation DGN Priority




is there any way to write the DGN Priority using FME?



Regards, Hendrik
Hi Hendrik!



If you right click on the DGN-reader on the workspace, select PROPERTIES and Format Attributes tou can CHECK some attributes which are not visible by default.



I assume you want to CHECK the "igds_level" attribute and use this in FME.



For writing this attribute you can create an attribute igds_level on the writer, and fill it with the values you want (ie 0,1,2,3,4...)








thanks for the fast reply but i search for the priority this is a Microstation Property witch i designed to regulate the display priority of the Elements. This can be used to make sure that a text is displayed "above" the underlying line.



It appears that you need to look into the control you have over 'elements'. You'll see in the FME Readers and Writers manual under Bentley MicroStation Design Reader/Writer > Feature Representation that you can conrol indiviudal element types and for example igds_element_visibility will allow you to turn certain elements on and off, but there doesn't appear to be an option to give one element a priority over another. I suggest you escalate this issue direct to Safe to see what they think and if its a practical enhancement to the DGN Reader/Writer. You can raise a support ticket at the top of the page....
Hi Hendrik!



Sorry for the wrong reply, I am not fluent in DGN unfortunately, just trying to do a qualified guess:)



It seems from the help-file that Element Priority is a display-only setting:



"(2D models only) Element Priority is a display-only setting that determines the order in which elements are displayed in a view. Essentially, this display priority setting adds a “calculated Z” value for to 2D co-planar elements, similar to the Z value in 3D models. In 3D models, elements closer to the eye are always displayed in front of elements further from the eye so display priority is not necessary."



From this page:





No Problem - Thanks so far.





Yes this seems to be the best choise. I'll contact my distributor tomorrow. 6PM in Germany nobody will be there ;-)






This thread got my curiousity going and made me remember a post by the FME Evangelist (aka Mark) about CAD and layer sorting.


See the Layer sorting part of the blog, hopefuly it helps,


According to this old post, the sorter is what you need.


Hi Itay,



the Sorter might be a way if all Data is stored in one file. But we are using multiple referenced DGN files an many different priorities witch makes this way difficult or impossible.



Hi Hendrik,


So you want to sort PER INPUT-file? Then you can put the SORTER inside a CustomTransformer and Parallell Process by for instance fme_basename to sort PER INPUT-file?



Hi SigTill,



well i need to set the element Attribute Priority. You must imagine this as a virtual Z koordinate.


If i sort the data i can control the order of the elements in the file witch should help in the file it self. But if i reference additoion DGN files or edit/add data manually all sorting won't help.



