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I am trying to work with LiDAR LAS files but am having an issue.  When FME reads the file or when I open it in inspector all I am getting is the bounding box of the points, what am I missing to work with the points themselves?






Try using the pointcloudcoercer after the reader.


Hope this helps.
If this is the issue, perhaps this is the solution?:



If you open a LAS file in FME Universal Viewer it will be just a bounding box. You need to open it in FME Data Inspector.



I sometimes forget that FME Universal Viewer does not display 3D.
If this is the issue, perhaps this is the solution?:



If you open a LAS file in FME Universal Viewer it will be just a bounding box. You need to open it in FME Data Inspector.



I sometimes forget that FME Universal Viewer does not display 3D.

I tried your advice in my .LAS file and i did got only one point/feature..!!!

although it says "Building spatial index on point cloud with 11836391 points" which is the right number of my features in my original .LAS file

any adivce?


Even lower numbers on a big machine is slow to view. Spatial indexing takes a lot of time etc. Large clouds often do not show.

(i have been workin on pc AHN3 for a couple of days now, extracting height of centerlines of roads..)

If there is no real need to view the entire thing, i would not do it.

First thing i do when i acquire a LAZ/LAS is tile the thing ASAP...(takes hours of course...wait it out)

Using some grid ( i use for het AHN3 the TopTen Grid)

Now u can spatialy query the grid for some area of interest, using the featurereader to only get the required tiles and then use pointcloudprocessing on it.

Added benefit: u can use paralelprocessing when having consistent tiling.

Oh, and if u insist to view it, you have better result if u use an inspector trough a workbench. Drag the laz/las into the bench and connect a inspector. (at least that what i experienced)
