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We have a requirement to produce a report on a monthly basis, the workbench literally just reads a sql view, re-orders the results and outputs to excel.

The workbench works using desktop and Server when manually run, however when scheduling the workbench fails with the following error;

Excel Writer: No active sheet set, cannot write to the spreadsheet. This is an internal error, please contact

I have attached the log file.

System information-

FME Server 2017.0.1.1 - Build 17291 - win64

Running on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

Hi. It looks as if the workspace cannot find the file in the path. Try using the same server path resources rather than the path on your desktop set for your jual sales report. How do you intend to send the report every month? Via email?

Hi. It looks as if the workspace cannot find the file in the path. Try using the same server path resources rather than the path on your desktop set for your jual sales report. How do you intend to send the report every month? Via email?



Yes the workbench is registered to the Data Download service so will be emailed - my understanding of this is that it won't try and store the excel document on the C drive on the machine, instead it stores it in the zip file that it creates as part of the service. I've just validated this as the folder structure in the log is no longer on the C drive (it was before I removed them as published parameters - this workbench is only ever intended to be used as a data download).



The workbench runs successfully when you simply Run Workspace - the error only occurs when I schedule that workspace to run.



Hi. It looks as if the workspace cannot find the file in the path. Try using the same server path resources rather than the path on your desktop set for your jual sales report. How do you intend to send the report every month? Via email?

Usually in these cases what I would do is to:


1. Upgrade to the latest fme version if I can afford it.


2. Try to write to xls instead of xlls.


3. Try to write to a different format a few attributes such as csv.



please let me know if you require more help.



I strongly suggest that you upgrade to 2017.1 though.



Usually in these cases what I would do is to:


1. Upgrade to the latest fme version if I can afford it.


2. Try to write to xls instead of xlls.


3. Try to write to a different format a few attributes such as csv.



please let me know if you require more help.



I strongly suggest that you upgrade to 2017.1 though.



I believe we're using the latest version of FME Server, and can't see how to alter the writer to specifically create an xls instead of xlsx.



.csv causes me issues as the two workbooks that the workbench creates have multiple sheets (based on a field value) and also include dates, which don't play well with .csv.



I just don't see how FME Server running a workbench is fine if I manually run it, but when scheduled it creates problems.



Thank you for your help so far



Hi. It looks as if the workspace cannot find the file in the path. Try using the same server path resources rather than the path on your desktop set for your jual sales report. How do you intend to send the report every month? Via email?

1. The latest version is 2017.1 .


2. When you add the writer you have the choice to create xls or xlsx.


3. Is your desktop license installed on the server?




1. The latest version is 2017.1 .


2. When you add the writer you have the choice to create xls or xlsx.


3. Is your desktop license installed on the server?




1. Our FME Desktop = Version: FME(R) 2017.0.1.1 (20170512 - Build 17291 - WIN64)


2. Can I alter this once the writer has been added?


3. Our FME desktop is on a separate machine from our FME Server, however FME Server successfully runs the workbench when I manually kick it off


Hi. It looks as if the workspace cannot find the file in the path. Try using the same server path resources rather than the path on your desktop set for your jual sales report. How do you intend to send the report every month? Via email?

I suggest you backup your installation of server install the latest version and restore your previous backup . upgrade desktop as well. Then retry your schedule. By right if your workspace works when running manually it should work on schedule as long as the default values are set in the workspace parameters.



I suggest you backup your installation of server install the latest version and restore your previous backup . upgrade desktop as well. Then retry your schedule. By right if your workspace works when running manually it should work on schedule as long as the default values are set in the workspace parameters.



Okay, thank you for your help so far.



I'll try and get the upgrades scheduled in as soon as possible and come back with my findings.



If that would be the problem, then why does the first export to an excel works fine?

If I am reading your log file correctly, the file 'ResellerSalesExcludingChanges.xlsx' is created properly right?



The problem only occurs when you are writing to the file 'ResellerSalesIncludingChanges.xlsx'?

Is you path written in UNC in FME? Do not use the drives letters in task schedueld.

If that would be the problem, then why does the first export to an excel works fine?

If I am reading your log file correctly, the file 'ResellerSalesExcludingChanges.xlsx' is created properly right?



The problem only occurs when you are writing to the file 'ResellerSalesIncludingChanges.xlsx'?
Thank you for pointing this out, it lead me to investigate the workbench and it seems that there were some issue with the second xsl, I think the root cause (there were a few changes made) was that the writer was attempting to enter a much larger name for each worksheet. This now runs on a schedule
