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Hi all, I've been asked to read a WMS which starts with a regular looking URL, which then forwards to a URL which is proving difficult.


The URL looks as follows -



The part that's giving me trouble is where the D:\\ is. I've tried enclosing the URL in speechmarks and using a pythonCaller to workaround this, but so far I've had no luck. I managed to get the URL changed once, but it just forwards to this one, which is causing issues.


Has anyone else experienced something like this?


Convention is to use so-called URL-encoding on all parameters, in particular ":" is not allowed used unencoded in a URL parameter. You can try using a TextEncoder in mode "URL (Percent encoding)" on the value side of each parameter, so that you get 



Convention is to use so-called URL-encoding on all parameters, in particular ":" is not allowed used unencoded in a URL parameter. You can try using a TextEncoder in mode "URL (Percent encoding)" on the value side of each parameter, so that you get 



Hi David,

Thank you for your reply, but still no luck. I feel I may have to go back to the person who's hosting the URL and see if I can get that colon removed.
