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I published an OData service from Composite Studio (from Composite Software). It is in ATOM format that FME Desktop 2013 supports.  I can see the http URL in browser but can not access it in FME reader. It does not give an error message. The log file shows:



Trying to find a PYTHON plugin for reader named `ODATA'


Trying to find a PYTHON plugin for reader named `ODATA'


OData Reader: Directive 'SERVICE_URL' has the value ''


OData Reader: Directive 'USER_NAME' has the value ' 'admin', 'admin']'


OData Reader: Connecting to service ''


OData Reader: Retrieving feed names from service ''


OData Reader: Reading schema data ...


Merged 0 schema features read from 1 datasets into 0 resulting feature types


UniversalReader -- readSchema resulted in 0 schema features being returned


Reader Parameter(0) = ><


Reader Parameter(1) = >USER_NAME<


Reader Parameter(2) = >admin<


Reader Parameter(3) = >PASSWORD<


Reader Parameter(4) = >********<


Reader Parameter(5) = >_MERGE_SCHEMAS<


Reader Parameter(6) = >YES<


Reader Parameter(7) = >RETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMES<


Reader Parameter(8) = >YES<


Reader Directive(0) = >RUNTIME_MACROS<




Configuration object contents:


FME Temporary Directory: C:\\Users\\guana\\AppData\\Local\\Temp


mapping file Line 0: `APPLICATION' `FME_WORKBENCH'


mapping file Line 1: `AUTOREG' `YES'


mapping file Line 2: `LOG_MAX_FEATURES' `-1'


mapping file Line 3: `LOG_APPEND' `NO'


mapping file Line 4: `FME_HOME' `C:\\Program Files\\FME\\'


mapping file Line 5: `FME_SESSION_USED' `TRUE'


mapping file Line 6: `R_33_METAFILE' `ODATA'


mapping file Line 7: `R_33_DATASET' `'


mapping file Line 8: `R_33_USER_NAME' `admin'


mapping file Line 9: `R_33__MERGE_SCHEMAS' `YES'


mapping file Line 10: `R_33_RETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMES' `YES'


mapping file Line 11: `R_33_USER_NAME' `admin'


mapping file Line 12: `R_33__MERGE_SCHEMAS' `YES'


mapping file Line 13: `R_33_MERGE_SCHEMAS' `YES'


mapping file Line 14: `R_33_RETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMES' `YES'


mapping file Line 15: `R_33__MERGE_SCHEMAS' `YES'


mapping file Line 16: `R_33_MERGE_SCHEMAS' `YES'


mapping file Line 17: `ODATA_USER_NAME' `'


mapping file Line 18: `SCHEMA_TIME' `YES'


mapping file Keyword: `R_31_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_3_DEF'                                occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_33_METAFILE'                          occurs 1 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `AUTOREG'                                occurs 1 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_7_DEF'                                occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_28_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_22_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_17_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_33_PASSWORD'                          occurs 2 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_24_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `FME_SESSION_USED'                       occurs 1 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_25_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_23_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `LOG_MAX_FEATURES'                       occurs 1 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_32_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `ODATA_PASSWORD'                         occurs 1 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_2_DEF'                                occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_18_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_29_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_30_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_12_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `FME_HOME'                               occurs 1 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_6_DEF'                                occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_21_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_5_DEF'                                occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_33_MERGE_SCHEMAS'                     occurs 2 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_1_DEF'                                occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_9_DEF'                                occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_26_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_14_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_33_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_4_DEF'                                occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_16_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_11_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_15_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_33__MERGE_SCHEMAS'                    occurs 3 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `APPLICATION'                            occurs 1 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_19_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_20_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_13_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_33_USER_NAME'                         occurs 2 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_33_DATASET'                           occurs 1 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `SCHEMA_TIME'                            occurs 1 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_27_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `LOG_APPEND'                             occurs 1 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_10_DEF'                               occurs 0 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `ODATA_USER_NAME'                        occurs 1 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_33_RETRIEVE_ALL_TABLE_NAMES'          occurs 2 time(s)


mapping file Keyword: `R_8_DEF'                                occurs 0 time(s)


UniversalReader -- readSchema resulted in 0 schema features being returned



Anybody knows why?
I am guessing some settings on the Reader. Or that you read one Atom feed - and then changed the "Features". Have you tried deleting the Reader and adding a new one?
