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Hello to all,



I am trying to use a 'generic' reader because I want an input for a workspace to be either an ESRI shapefile or a file geodatabase. I am supposing this is the best reader type to use for this purpose.



When using the generic reader, features are read from the input destination but upon inspection it seems that the imported features have no attributes. A message is displayed in the Data Inspector table view: 'Empty Table - No Schema Available'.



I can't seem to find a case like this on the FME community forum, is there anyone who can help me finding out how I can import attributes together with geometry with the generic reader? Or is this impossible (which would not make much sense to me) ? I can't seem to figure it out by myself.



I am using FME 2014 SP4



Thanks in advance for any help 😉
Fixed it myself already,



When implementing the reader, in 'parameters' the reader retrieves the attributes from the dataset which is specified (it works when the geodatabase is specified as the dataset). Input format should be 'Generic (any format)'.



It took some time but it seems I got the generic reader to read a geodatabase as well as a shapefile.
