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Hi all,

This is the first time I try to read WFS datas and I got some trouble.

When I got to the parameters, eveything appears to be fine :

Then when I tried to read it , this happened :

The whole error text is :

ERROR |XML Parser error: 'Error in input dataset:';=2.0.0&REQUEST;=GetFeature&TYPENAMES;=ADRESSE-PREMIUM.LIEN.HEXA%3Alien_adresse_hexa&NAMESPACES;;=application%2Fgml%2Bxml%3B%20version%3D3.2&COUNT;=30000' line:6 column:3 message:expected end of tag 'hr''

ERROR |The XML Module halted on error, see the logfile for details

ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

I guess that there is a problem in the XML, lacking something in it. When I ask the data provider, they say that can open it with no troubles ... so here I am, asking for help.

Have a nice day :)

Hi @florian_at_ids,

If you open the input dataset URL reported in the log file in a web browser does it return the XML as expected?


Hi @florian_at_ids,

If you open the input dataset URL reported in the log file in a web browser does it return the XML as expected?


Thanks for your fast answer @hollyatsafe,


I have not seen this troubleshooting. I've tried it. The first two steps appear to be ok. I am not used to XML but it looks like it.


The 3rd step is stopping me. It asks for login/password, I write them but it asks me again and again. When I validate, I can see for a millisecond some kind of XML code before it asks me again for login/password.


When I try to open the data on FME , with or without login/password I got the same error I wrote on my previous post.




Thanks for your fast answer @hollyatsafe,


I have not seen this troubleshooting. I've tried it. The first two steps appear to be ok. I am not used to XML but it looks like it.


The 3rd step is stopping me. It asks for login/password, I write them but it asks me again and again. When I validate, I can see for a millisecond some kind of XML code before it asks me again for login/password.


When I try to open the data on FME , with or without login/password I got the same error I wrote on my previous post.




Hi @florian_at_ids,


I think I would go back to the data provider and ask them to take a look at line:6 column:3 message:expected end of tag 'hr'' specified in the log as this usually indicates an error in the XML syntax so would be worth them investigating.


It might also be worth running through the troubleshooting process with a URL that you know works just to test you are inputting your log in details correctly.


Hi @florian_at_ids,


I think I would go back to the data provider and ask them to take a look at line:6 column:3 message:expected end of tag 'hr'' specified in the log as this usually indicates an error in the XML syntax so would be worth them investigating.


It might also be worth running through the troubleshooting process with a URL that you know works just to test you are inputting your log in details correctly.


Hi there,


Just to say thanks for your help. In fact we were given the wrong login/password ...


The error wasn't explicit but now it works.


Problem solved !


