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I'm attempting to filter the records in the reader using the WHERE Clause, but I'm having trouble making it work. I'm trying to select all entries created after 20230718. I've tried the following equations, but it failed.


"created_date" LIKE '20231718%'



ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Reader: Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was '500' and the message was: 'Invalid data type for expression n"created_date">20230718000000.000000].'. Details: ''


ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Reader: Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was '500' and the message was: 'Invalid data type for expression o"created_date" LIKE '20230718%'].'. Details: ''

You cannot use the FME datetime format with ArcGIS Portal, try one of the supported formats described here:

What I would try is to get the query right in the arcgis rest endpoint first and then move it to workbench.

ESRI’s documentation is not very clear on how to do this, but the following blog discusses this topic:

I have not tested this, but the syntax should be

<DateField> = DATE 'YYYY-MM-DD'


So something like

created_date > DATE '2023-07-18'

should work.
